Energy Healing

Energy Healing
An energy healing session is a holistic, whole body method of working to balance and heal the flow of energy throughout the body. Normal energy functioning can be affected by stress, pain, illness, trauma, and even toxicities in the environment or lifestyle. By working to heal, balance and harmonize the body's flow of energy we can promote overall stress reduction, sleep, well-being and health. 

What is the human energy system? 
The human energy system is composed of 3 main parts: the energy field (aura or biofield), the energy centers (chakras) and the energy tracts (meridians). This energy may have a different name depending on the culture - prana, soul, ki, qi, chi, life force, vital energy, universal force and life energy to name a few. 

Energy perception is a gift that all humans naturally have. Unfortunately, this system is usually in a dormant state due to most people not being taught how to list to that intuition that is our natural energy perception. You have probably felt when you walk into a space and it either feels good (uplifting, vibrant) or it feels bad (heavy, draining). This is the energy that you are feeling. 

How does healing from an Energy Healing session occur? 
The body naturally wants to heal and bring itself back into a state of health and wellness. Energy Healing works to clear and remove the blocks that are impacting the body's natural healing process. 

Who can benefit from Energy Healing? 
Anyone can benefit from Energy Healing and it is most often used as a integrative treatment for issues such as: 
- Anxiety 
- Depression
- Psychological disorders
- Mood disorders
- Stress
- Relationships
- Trauma
- Sleep issues
- Pain
- Back and neck problems 
- Posture
- Pregnancy and postpartum support
- Grief 
- Headaches and migraines
- Relaxation
- Surgery support
- Overall well being
- Enhanced Spirituality 
.... and many more.

What to expect during your energy healing session: 
The first part of your session with include discussing anything that might be on your mind including current stresses and goals for the session. Your healing session is most commonly done laying down in a comfortable and relaxed position but if an illness or pain makes laying down uncomfortable, we can modify your position. I encourage you to close your eyes and use this time to calm your mind. Sound/frequency, crystals, red light, essential oils and aromatherapy are all commonly used during an energy healing session. Following the session, you may take a little time to come back into awareness and "wake up". I like to use this time to have you pull an oracle card are two and set your intentions following the session. We will also talk about ways to maintain your energy balance and recommended follow up sessions. You may feel lighter and more relaxed after the session. Following your session I encourage you to drink ample amounts of water, herbal tea and healthful fruits and vegetables, while trying to avoid or minimize alcohol, sugar and caffeine. 

Session duration & investment: 
Sessions commonly last about an hour, however, I don't time or book back to back appointments due to energy healing being so unique from session to session and person to person. I won't stop in the midst of a healing session because your "time is up", therefore, some sessions will last less than an hour and some will last longer. 

For a Limited Time Energy Healing sessions are $55 each 

I also offer traveling sessions if that is preferred (depending on location). The cost is the same, however, there is an additional travel fee. 

Note: there is no additional charge for red light therapy, crystal & essential oil aromatherapy during your session.